• One & Only, Cape Town

    What is it? Not the one and only One&Only, funnily enough, although it is the original, from which a chain of luxury resorts has been built that stretches from North America to Australia (Sanya will soon see China’s first). It’s not often that a mountain view beats a sea view, but Cape Town, in South…

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  • Urban explorers

    Urban exploration is an edgy pastime. But give it a Japanese name and this underground community, known for seeking out derelict and often inaccessible environments, sounds even more hardcore.

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  • Northern exposure: a tour through North Korea’s top end

    North Korea’s top end has enough stunning scenery to make you almost forget you are in the world’s most repressive state. Almost. North Korea has been open to tourists since 1987, but it is only in the past few years that the hermit kingdom has seen visitors arrive in any significant number. Those who come…

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