China’s frontiers: Is there anything left to explore? — June 11, 2014 Exploration is challenging. If it’s too easy, then it’s not real exploration. So says Wong Continue Reading ...
Exploring the empty — May 20, 2014 A new segment of adventurers is searching the cities for what others have left behind Continue Reading ...
Tony Wheeler’s top 5 edgy destinations — November 19, 2012 You have to be “a bit crazy” to want to go to the weird and wonderful places that excite Continue Reading ...
9 places we know very little about — April 2, 2014 Forget space. The most exciting new frontiers of exploration are on our very own planet, says Dr. Robin Continue Reading ...
Gay HK policeman’s 1980 gun death — January 15, 2018 Thirty-eight years ago this week, John MacLennan died of gunshot wounds; a public inquiry heard claims
Stephan Elliott on the movie that changed his life — October 14, 2017 The roaring success of the 1994 film was followed by years of bad luck that included a near-fatal skiing
Almost a shore thing — April 28, 2020 Paul Zimmerman had planned to spend his Easter holiday kicking back at the Blues Festival in Australia’s
Hong Kong Fashion Week Struggles With Direction — July 15, 2014 The 21st edition of Hong Kong Fashion Week wrapped its four-day run late last week
Wisdom of the ages — July 28, 2019 Next-level yoga: the secrets of Tibetan yoga explained, from tantric sex to redirecting dreams Forget
Monday is the longest day of the week in HK — December 16, 2015 Local employees work the most overtime in Asia, says survey