The Big Freeze — December 31, 2015 Kate Whitehead puts on the layers and finds out just how cool Antarctica really is Continue Reading ...
Leader of the pack — February 1, 2016 Tasked with building upon one of Hong Kong’s greatest success stories, Aron Harilela shares his vision
Korean Beauty Brands Shine at Cosmoprof Asia — December 3, 2015 HONG KONG — Cosmoprof Asia celebrated its 20th edition with its biggest ever fair. The three-day event
Restored stately home window on all things Georgian — January 19, 2014 The restored Kenwood House in London is the perfect window on Georgian design and home to a collection
Olivia Chow says immigrant past made her stronger — April 27, 2014 As Hong Kong-born Olivia Chow takes on Rob Ford in the battle to be mayor of Toronto, she tells Kate
Three buzzy new London hotels — November 15, 2014 London has seen a slew of turbo-hyped hotels come on line this year, with each one offering more than
Elaine Goodwin on hitting the glass ceiling, dogs and living in the moment — March 14, 2021 Goodwin fell in love with Hong Kong when she first visited the city, in 1968, and relocated a year later